Hiring Freelance Japanese<>Eng

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$30 - $250


Greetings from Ulatus!! We offer you a chance to earn a joining bonus of 3000 Yen** As a leading translation and localization service provider, we aim to help researchers, students, universities and large businesses communicate globally in the language of their target audience. Globalization is a fast moving phenomenon and this has increased the scope of translation and localization activity by manifold. Being at the center of this revolution, we invite you to be a part of our organization and thereby as partners help us in realizing our goals. We have an established reputation in Asian markets are making an impact in the European markets too. Our client list includes reputed international publishing houses, leading universities and fortune 500 companies. We are on the search for Translators and Proofreaders who have had experience in translating or editing from Japanese to English or English to Japanese

Do you have skills for the project? Here is your chance to make some money.

  • Evaluate the project and check if you have the skills to fulfill the project requirements.
  • Set your budget and completion timeframe.
  • Place your bid and clearly outline your proposal.
  • Get hired and get Paid for your work!


Japanese > English,
English > Japanese



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